7 Essentials Strength Exercises Every Runners Needs

September 25, 2024
By Matteo

Boost your running performance with these essentials strength training exercises. From barbell squats to kettlebell deadlifts, these moves enhance speed, endurance, and form.

Strength training is a crucial component in the development of any runner. Incorporating strength exercises into your routine not only helps you build muscle but also prepares your body to withstand the continuous impact of running.

The stronger your muscles, the better equipped you'll be to run faster and more efficiently.

In this article, I'll dive into 7 key strength training exercises that can significantly boost your speed, endurance, and overall running performance.

The Importance of Strength Training for Runners

A 2016 review highlighted the positive impact of strength training on running economy—a measure of how efficiently a person uses oxygen while running at a certain pace.

In this study, 93 highly-trained middle and long-distance runners saw improvements in their running economy after participating in a strength training program for two to three months.

This improved economy means they could run faster with less physical strain.

Below are 7 strength exercises specifically chosen to help runners build muscle, improve form, and enhance speed.

If you are struggling with the Runner's Knee, here are some exercise that can help you!

1. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift

Image via simplyfitness.com

Shift your hips backward and bend forward until your upper body is nearly parallel to the ground.

Reach down to grab the kettlebell handle, securing it with both hands in an overhand grip.

Lower your hips below your shoulders while keeping your arms fully extended toward the kettlebell.

Press through your entire foot, extending your knees and hips as you lift the kettlebell.

Fully extend your hips at the top, then lower yourself and the kettlebell back down by pushing your hips back and hinging at the hips. Place the kettlebell back on the floor and reset before repeating the movement.

2. Knee Tuck Jumps

Image via simplyfitness.com

Bend your knees slightly to gain momentum, then jump by bringing your knees up and as close to your chest as possible.

3. Jump Squat

Image via simplyfitness.com

Maintain an upright chest as you lower your hips down and back until they're just above knee level.

Propel yourself upward by driving your arms forward in a powerful swing, lifting off the ground explosively.

Land gently with bent knees and immediately lower back into the squat position. Ensure your knees stay aligned and do not collapse inward throughout the movement.

4. Dumbbell Goblet Squat

Image via simplyfitness.com

Inhale deeply and lower your glutes into a squat, pressing your heels firmly into the ground. Stop when your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, or go lower if possible.

Hold briefly, then push yourself back up. Keep your back straight throughout the entire movement.

5. Dumbbell Step Up

Image via simplyfitness.com

With your chest lifted and core engaged, place one foot fully on the step, ensuring your entire foot is flat. Bring the other foot up onto the step as well. Step back down with the second foot first, followed by the first foot.

Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

6. Kettlebell Swings

Image via simplyfitness.com

Bend your knees slightly as you lower your glutes back and down, shifting your weight into your heels.

Push through your heels to powerfully thrust your hips forward, swinging the kettlebell upward with your arms extended until it reaches about chest height.

Allow the kettlebell to descend, preparing for the next swing. Engage your core to control the weight as it swings between your legs, then repeat the forward swinging motion.

7. Standing Knee Raise

Image via simplyfitness.com

Keep one foot grounded as you lift your knee in front of you until your thigh is parallel to the floor, ensuring your hips stay aligned. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position.

Repeat the movement with the other leg, staying in the same position for all repetitions.

Tabata Circuit Tips for Strength Building

To get the most out of these exercises, try incorporating them into a Tabata circuit.

Perform each exercise for three rounds, with beginners starting at 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. For those more advanced, aim for 60 seconds of exercise with 40 seconds of rest between sets.

This approach will maximize your workout efficiency, improve your endurance, and build strength faster!


Adding strength training to your running regimen can significantly enhance your performance and prevent injuries.

The 7 exercises discussed are perfect for building power and endurance.

By using a Tabata circuit, you can maximize your results efficiently. Stick with these exercises, and you'll see improvements in speed, strength, and overall running ability!

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